Saturday, 29 July 2017

Forexticket Thechive

Exercícios sem valor Você provavelmente faz exame de um segundo para pensar sobre sua rotina do gym (espera doente). Agora, eu aposto que você se sente muito bem sobre os movimentos de fitness que você está incorporado - você está batendo os grandes grupos musculares, você é o campeão da sala de musculação, e mais, esses movimentos são tão populares que eles têm que ser eficaz. Aqui, descubra se alguma de sua rotina de exercícios está realmente caindo em pedaços - além de conselhos aprovados por especialistas para levar seu treino para o próximo nível. De acordo com a pesquisa de San Diego State University, o crunch tradicional é o menos eficaz reforçador para o reto abdominus (6-pack músculos) e os oblíquos (cintura) Músculos). Sobrestimado: Crunches Whats mais, porque sit-ups exigem mais força dos músculos ab abais do que oblíquos, este movimento pode criar um desequilíbrio de força no núcleo Overrated: Crunches - configurá-lo para problemas nas costas. Sua atualização: The Plank Não só a prancha requer mais ativação muscular nos obliques do que o tradicional crunch, de acordo com a pesquisa, Your Upgrade: The Plank, mas os pesquisadores também descobriram que praticar esta posição pode realmente ajudar a diminuir o risco de desenvolver parte inferior das costas Dor mais tarde na vida, de acordo com Matthews. Sua atualização: The Plank Why A prancha alveja seus músculos abdominais, ajuda a construir a resistência muscular e poupa sua espinha no processo, diz. Enquanto a pesquisa descobriu que a máquina pec deck é uma ótima maneira de construir músculos no peito, o fato é que esta máquina coloca sua articulação do ombro em uma posição extremamente vulnerável, uma vez que simultaneamente gira e abduz, de acordo com Matthews. Sobrestimado: Pec Deck / Chest Fly Enquanto isso é especialmente perigoso para aqueles com problemas de ombro, usando esta máquina também pode causar lesões em exercícios de outra forma saudável. Seu Upgrade: Bent-Forward Cable Crossover Envolvendo os mesmos músculos que o Pec Deck, o Bent-Forward Cable Crossover permite que você construa a força de forma rápida e eficaz. Sua atualização: Bent-Forward Cable Crossover Mas ele faz isso sem risco desnecessário para suas articulações. Overrated: Bench Press Embora a pesquisa mostrou este exercício de ginástica grampo para ser excelente para a construção de tórax e tríceps força, Overrated: Bench Press algumas lesões no ombro pressionado no banco são comuns o suficiente para ter ganho o apelido ombro pressionadores. Sobrestimado: Bench Press Além disso, o banco em si limita o movimento natural nas omoplatas, colocando um estresse tremendo nos punhos dos rotadores. Como tal, alguns peritos da aptidão consideraram o press de banca inseguro. Seu Upgrade: Push-Ups Push-ups são um seguro e (felizmente) equipamento de exercício livre que constrói músculo no pecs, tríceps e ombros, enquanto o desenvolvimento da força do núcleo. Sua Upgrade: Push-Ups O que é mais, pode ser modificado dezenas de maneiras de trabalhar músculos diferentes ou aumentar a intensidade ea complexidade deste experimentado e verdadeiro movimento básico. Sua Upgrade: Push-Ups Há uma razão que era a fundação do ícone da aptidão Jack LaLannes rotina. Para mais exercícios sem valor e os que você deve fazer em vez disso, vá para TheActiveTimes. Mais Fitness On ThePostGameSabu atau Metafeetamina adalah salah satu jenis psikotropika yang berbentuk kristal bening / putih dan digunakan dengan cara dihisap melalui filtro / bong. Sabu desenho e descrição do tema Jepang pada tahun 1893 por Nagai Nagayoshi. Sabu seringkali digunakan oleh para pecandunya untuk meningkatkan adrenalina, perasaan senang seperti pada saat melakukan seks, dan penahan rasa sakit. Sekedar diketahui bahwa sabu terbuat dari berbagai macam zat-zat berbahaya, baik pada saat proses pembuatannya maupun proses pemakaiannya. Dibawah ini akan disebutkan beberapa bahan utama untuk pembuatan Sabu: nitrato de amónio (NH4NO3) adalah zat yang berbentuk butiran kasar berwarna putih yang agak Sulit dibeli secara bebas walaupun harganya Murah, hal ini disebabkan bahan ini adalah salah satu unsur untuk membuat bahan peledak. Soda Apibiasanya digunakan untuk membersihkan pipa saluran pembuangan karena sifatnya yang memakan benda-benda organik. Merupakan pelarut gato, namun dalam industri sabu sering digunakan sebagai pemacu reaksi dan pelarut bahan-bahan aktif. Lithiumadalah lembaran logam tipis berwarna hitam yang dapat ditemukan di dalam baterai Li-ion, dalam industri Sabu dipergunakan untuk memindahkan zat aktif dari obat-obatan ke larutan penghasil Sabu (ionisasi). Monoetil / Dietil Etheradalah bahan pelarut kimia yang sering digunakan sebagai inhalan dan obat bius. Ini adalah salah satu bahan penting dalam pembuatan sabu. Ácido Hídrico / Ácido Murítico Acidifila dipadukan dengan yodium akan menghasilkan gás HCl yang dipergunakan unguia mengkristalkan zat aktif menjadi sabu. Yodiumsebagai penghasil gas HCl. Pseudoefedrina / efedrina HCladalah obat-obatan yang digunakan sebagai bahan-baku pembuat sabu, untuk menimbulkan perasaan senang dan bersemangat. Itulah bahan-bahan yang sebarnya cukup berbahaya namun seringkali digunakan dalam industrial sabu skala besar maupun skala rumahan. Ingin tahu lebih lanjut mengênese proses kimianya Hubungi e-mail / YM. prosaktiyahooKISAH Nyata, Aslamu alaikum wr wb..Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar Bismillahirrahamaninrahim ,, Senang sekali saya bisa menulis dan berbagi kepada quarto teman2 melalui ini, sebelumnya dulu saya adalah seorang pengusaha dibidang propriedade rumah Tangga dan mencapai kesuksesan yang luar biasa, mobil rumah dan fasilitas deitado sudah saya Miliki, namun namanya cobaan saya sangat percaya kepada Semua orang, hingga suaatu saat saya ditipu dengan teman saya Sendiri dan membawa Semua Yng saya punya, akhirnya saya menaggung utang ke pelanggan saya totalnya 470 juta dan di banco totalnya 800 Juta saya estresse dan dificultar bunuh diri anak saya 2 orng masih Sekolah di smp dan sma, Istri saya pergi entah Kemana dan meninggalkan saya dan anakanaknya ditengah tagihan utang yg menumpuk, demi makan sehari hari saya terpaksa jual nasi Bungkus keliling dan Kue, ditengah seperti ekonomi himpitan Ini saya bertemu dengan seorang teman dan bercerita kepadanya, Alhamdulilah beliau membro de saran kepada saya, dulu katanya dia juga seperti saya. Tapi setelah di bantu HABIB Idrus hidupnya Sukses Kembali, awalnya saya ragu dan tidak percaya TAPI Selama satu Minggu saya berpikir dan melihat langsung hasilnya, saya akhirnya bergabung dan menghubungi HABIB Idrus. Untuk Konfirmasi Lebih Jelasnya: gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtKLIK Solusi TEPAT DISINIltltltltltltltltlt. Semua petunjuk Beliau saya ikuti dan hanya Dalam Waktu 2 hari, Astagfirullahallazim, Alhamdulilah Demi Allah dan anak saya, akhirnya 5M yang saya minta benar benar ada di tangan Saya, Semua utang saya lunas dan buat sisanya Modal usaha, kini saya, kembali, sukses, terimaksih, HABIB, IDRUS, saya, tidak, akan, melupakan, jasa, HABIB IDRUS. JIKA TEMAN BERMINAT, YAKIN DAN PERCAYA, INSYA ALLAH, SAYA SUDAH BUKTIKAN DEMI ALLAH. (BUKAN PESUGIHAN ATAUPUN PENGGANDAAN UANG). Beli t4 bude enak TIAP pagi Beli t4 Bude Enak TIAP pagi Sadis2 tsu tau yg punya akun BNN Sadis2 tsu tau yg punya akun BNN Hey nauts lsd ácido Pronto Priceline me pvo6284i (uso) de envio só Trusted recomendadas nauts trippy felizes Contac. Linha pvo6284i (use quotquot) Email. Idadidad9yayaya G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog Nadiaighun. blogspot Maaf..kalo gua mahh setuju GANHA aja da indonésia yg harusnya bebas. Anehh indonésia mahh yg dari alam aja seperti ganja de larang. dasar kontooooollllSocial Psicólogo com doutorado da Major Midwest Big Ten University. Aposentado depois de servir a comunidade por mais de 36 anos, durante o qual houve inúmeros contatos com aqueles associados à Intel e à Lei. O Beast Crédito de Imagem: The Telegraph - UK - por Preston James It8217s grande, it8217s ruim, e it8217s alegou ser um Biológico humano cérebro super interface com o world8217s chips de computador mais poderoso 3D. Pelo menos é o que a informação está vazando de fontes bem informadas. E você pensou que as pessoas que dirigiam o mundo eram os sociopatas mais criminosos imagináveis. O BEAST estabelece um novo padrão. Basta esperar até descobrir 8220what8221 está realmente executando as coisas no mais alto nível do Secret Shadow Government (SSG). Aqueles que o construíram e usam referem-se a 8220it8221 como 8220A Besta8221. E sim, é um 8220it8221 e apesar do que alguns no interior podem reivindicar, a Besta não é uma pessoa. Mas, ao invés de os criadores estarem encarregados dele, rumores de que eles se tornaram hábeis e habilidosamente controlados sobre eles, agora usando-os para manipular a sociedade de acordo com sua própria superlógica. Soluções It8217s que estão sendo implementadas estão criando tantas complicações sérias que deve ser invocado ainda mais para ajudar aqueles que correm sociedade americana lidar. Este parece ser um furo de coelho cada vez mais profundo, uma grande armadilha que está levando a América para a destruição, a menos que seja parada fria. Você já se perguntou por que as leis recentes do Congresso, as políticas dos EUA e as Ordens Executivas parecem tão estranhas e antiamericanas. É provavelmente porque eles estão sendo concebidos pelo sistema de computadores subterrâneo SSG8217s, o BEAST, que alegadamente é alegado ser um super-cérebro humano artificialmente criado interface com o world8217s maiores matrizes de 82203D8221 chips de computador já montado. ESTÁ A BESTA FUNCIONANDO TODA A POLÍTICA DO USG Tem-se rumores de que o BEAST corre inúmeras simulações paralelas da Sociedade Americana e de todas as outras sociedades do mundo, incluindo sua inteligência, defesa, governos e populações. Como qualquer informação que temos é baseada em vazamentos e rumores que são altamente possíveis8221 não se pode referir a evidência real de sua existência neste momento, incluindo qualquer local, que pode ter construído ou executá-lo ou se ele existe como descrito por tais rumores . O melhor que qualquer pessoa pode fazer agora, a menos que tenham acesso dentro do Secret Shadow Government (SSG) com autorização para informações sobre este suposto projeto, é criar um 8220best guess8221 de todos os open source intel disponíveis e os vários rumores. Se um exame das evidências e rumores que estão disponíveis sugere que o BEAST existe como parece, pode-se fazer uma suposição educada que construiu e opera-lo se um escava fundo o suficiente e pesquisa o open source intel que está disponível na Internet . Para fazer isso, alguém iria querer examinar todos os melhores especialistas em computadores do mundo e ver quem caiu da cena nos últimos dez anos ou assim ou que de repente parou de falar. Ou pode-se fazer alguma pesquisa sobre quais as empresas têm mais patentes relacionadas com supercomputadores e interface biológica, embora muitos dos quais podem ter sido classificados. AMERICAN INTEL COMPROU SUPERCOMPUTERS ENORME E INTERLINKED-los a CRUNCH MONTANTES MASSIVE DE RAW INTEL É do conhecimento comum que a Intel americana comprou enormes supercomputadores interligados utilizados para esmagar dados coletados de sua espionagem mundial. Temos Fincen, NRO, NSA, Homeland Security8217s Fusion Centers e muitos sub-sistemas de alfabeto, todos supostamente interligados por uma sub-variedade back-doored do notório 8220Promis8221 software. E interconectado e na raiz de toda essa entrada maciça de inteligência é este novo supercomputador interconectado biologicamente e baseado no mundo, o BEAST que devora todos esses dados brutos e os processa para formar soluções de jogo para seus milhões de simulações societárias. O BEAST8217S TRANSFORMAÇÃO DE DADOS MAIS GRANDE A PARTIR DE SEUS ENTRADAS INTERLINKED É ALEGEDLY BASEADO NA ÚLTIMA VERSÃO DO SOFTWARE 8220PROMIS8221, MAS SE ASSIM, QUE A AGÊNCIA ESTRANGEIRA DE INTEL TEM ACESSO AO 8220BACKDOOR8221 DE PROMIS Mas uma pergunta remanesce sempre, quem tem o backdoor ao derivado novo de Promis , É uma agência de inteligência estrangeira baseada que se tornou profundamente enraizada dentro inteligência americana através de esforços de longo prazo de operações de compromisso humano e tráfico de influência Esta entidade de inteligência estrangeira (um inimigo dentro dos portões) tem sua própria agenda secreta com interesses que são bastante diferentes Do que os interesses de segurança nacional dos EUA A BESTA PODE SIMPLICAR SIMULAMENTE E TORNAR O FUTURO8221 Como os rumores vão, algoritmos complexos foram modificados e essencialmente reescritos pelo BEAST para formar seus próprios meios para o futuro dado certos insumos imediatos como ações do govt e qualquer E todos os setores da sociedade, juntamente com os insumos de informação obtidos da American Intel, incluindo a NSA, NRO e centros de fusão locais. É um grande desafio, como o que acontecerá em um mês, um ano, cinco anos, dez anos e vinte e cinco anos se o governo aprovar esta lei, ou o presidente fizer essa ordem executiva, ou se os cidadãos organizarem e Fazer isso ou tal. Em seguida, essas soluções são fornecidas àqueles que dirigem o Congresso dos EUA, o USG e o Executivo como recomendações fortes 8221 que parecem sempre acabar sendo seguidas e que parecem causar ainda mais complexidades que exigem atenção adicional do BEAST, criando uma auto - Perpetuando enigma. A 8220SOLUÇÕES8221 FORNECIDAS PELA BESTA SÃO ALEGADAS DE SER COMPLETAMENTE UN-AMERICAN E CONTRA A CONSTITUIÇÃO, LEITURA DE DIREITOS E REGRA DE LEI E a maneira que a maioria de povos ordinários estão respondendo ultimamente na atitude a estas mudanças mandatadas de USG sugere que muitos americanos vêem estas mudanças como Completamente anti-americano, estranhamente estrangeiro, e contra a Constituição dos EUA, Declaração de Direitos e Estado de Direito. Essa ampla reação aparentemente negativa social talvez sustente a idéia de que esses vazamentos e rumores sobre o BEAST correndo toda a política USG podem ser verdadeiros e está realmente produzindo mudanças completamente estranhas aos representantes normais do povo que as pessoas instituiriam se estivessem realmente servindo como Verdadeiros representantes do grupo Citizen8217s. Talvez o maior segredo de Beyond Black seja o SSG8217s alegado sistema de computador subterrâneo muito grande baseado em um sofisticado proprietário 8220biologically integrated8221 interface entre artificialmente crescido 8220células de cérebro humano8221 e grandes conjuntos de cpu8217s 3D interconectados. Este novo computador com base biológica, o maior do mundo, é espalhado boatos para ser chamado o BEAST por aqueles que trabalham com ele. E é supostamente tão poderoso que pode simular mudanças sociais e soluções de 10, 20 e até 50 ou mais anos no futuro, fornecendo um roteiro para aqueles que controlam o USG para seguir o que supostamente segurar os resultados que eles desejam. A 8220patch clamp8221 máquina para estudar neurônios no Projeto Cérebro Humano QUASE TODO O SEGREDO DA SSG ESTÁ FUGADO RÁPIDAMENTE RÁPIDAMENTE DEVIDO À INTERNET E À REPARTIÇÃO DA SOCIEDADE Apesar do pesado compartimento e classificações profundas, este segredo da existência e uso da BESTA Para 8220game8221 sociedade está vazando para fora. As agências de inteligência de outros países supostamente descobriram isso graças a uma operação de inteligência estrangeira que se infiltrou profundamente na Intel americana e acabaram controlando a maioria dos sistemas de comunicação norte-americanos da SSG, USG, governos locais e muitos sistemas de escolas públicas e Que são reputados para vender 8220stolen8221 informação proprietária aos estados extrangeiros, alguns de que podem ser considerados inimigos ou inimigos potenciais. Essas pessoas teriam alegadamente vendido essa informação junto com inúmeros outros segredos industriais que eles deveriam proteger. E alguns dos clientes que adquiriram esta informação foram rumores de ter também adquirido informações sobre o Beyond Black Supercomputer, o BEAST. Estes países que adquiriram o 8220secret8221 do BEAST estão alegadamente envolvidos numa corrida louca para duplicar e até mesmo ultrapassar o que o SSG construiu, e estão a tentar fazer a ponte sobre o que Eles acreditam que é um enorme fosso tecnológico criado pelo acesso aos cálculos algorítmicos e modelagem social que o BEAST fornece. Acredita-se, seja verdade ou não, que um supercomputador, como o que se rumora, pode fornecer a qualquer grande governo o poder de prever quais ações e mudanças de políticas serão, de longe, as mais eficazes para dominar o futuro que é diretamente afetado pelo Numerosas novas tecnologias que estão aparecendo e expandindo cada vez mais rápido o tempo todo. A maioria dos líderes agora percebe que a sua capacidade de conceber e responder eficazmente a um futuro que está em rápida evolução devido ao desenvolvimento tecnológico intenso e rápido, está muito além de sua capacidade. Isso motivou-os a trazer consultores de alta potência para ajudá-los a projetar o futuro e projetar soluções adequadas para seus objetivos globais. Um projeto na Suíça está bem em andamento agora tentando desenvolver sua própria interface humano / cpu imitando o cérebro humano chamado Human Brain Project, um projeto que foi um sucessor para o Blue Brain Project. Será que os líderes dessas nações agora estão tentando jogar 8220catch up8221 Eles acreditam que eles precisam construir seu próprio supercomputador para simular modelos sociais e fornecer-lhes soluções de jogos sociais, a fim de acompanhar o ritmo acelerado de Desenvolvimento de Tecnologia para atingir as metas desejadas DETERMINANDO A POLÍTICA SOCIAL DE UMA MÁQUINA DE BASE BIOLÓGICA COMO A BESTA PARECE SER UMA MUITA IDÉIA O que esses líderes não parecem perceber que isso pode ser uma má idéia, uma idéia muito, muito má. Alguns relatórios vazando agora são que o SSG8217s BEAST possivelmente dominou os criadores de it8217s e através dele próprio muito avançado super inteligência, pode ter craftily desenvolvido maneiras de con seus desenvolvedores e operadores. E se os relatos são verdadeiros, essa busca de ajuda para o futuro foi iniciada há mais de 20 anos dentro das entranhas mais profundas do Governo da Sombra Secreta e uma estratégia para desenvolver o futuro através da cibernética avançada foi concebida, financiada e iniciada. Este processo supostamente criou o BEAST, um gigantesco supercomputador baseado em um avançado cérebro artificialmente criado, composto de células cerebrais humanas (neurônios) e uma interface biológica sofisticada com avançadas matrizes de chips de computador 3D. Sofisticado novo empacotamento genético e tecnologia de tripla hélice foi supostamente usado para crescer artificialmente os neurônios que compreendem esta nova massa cerebral super-humana que supostamente forma o nexo da Besta. A BESTIA É ALEGADA A FUNCIONAR E FOI FUNCIONANDO E COMO SOLUÇÕES SUGERIDAS A MAIORIA DOS AMERICANOS ENCONTRAM-SE UNPATÁVEIS OU LOUCOS E desde que este supercomputador é supostamente operado, várias recomendações políticas foram fornecidas como soluções para as complexas mudanças societais calculadas Para estar descendo a estrada. Desta forma, o SSG pode implementar grandes mudanças sistêmicas, não importa quão difícil elas pareçam para a maioria das pessoas controlar proativamente o desenvolvimento da sociedade para atender aos seus parâmetros pretendidos, que foram inseridos no BEAST. O problema real parece ser a deriva da solução. As soluções que o BEAST levanta, quando implementadas como leis e mudanças de políticas ou ordens executivas, muitas vezes parecem complicar desnecessariamente uma situação já complicada, tornando os operadores ainda mais dependentes das soluções fornecidas pelo BEAST. A ABERTURA FINAL DA CAIXA DE PANDORA8217S Alguns vêem isto como a abertura final da caixa de Pandora8217s. Uma vez que os controladores SSG se comprometeu a usar o BEAST para determinar e implementar suas mudanças de política, a fim de criar a sociedade que eles querem em cada ano selecionado no caminho, talvez criou um pesadelo crescente que poderia facilmente ameaçar toda a humanidade e sem saber Levar o mundo por um caminho para completar a guerra nuclear e destruição. A grande questão permanece, Quem é realmente 8220gaming8221 Quem, é o jogo BEAST para os operadores, ou realmente 8220gaming8221 os operadores SOCIEDADE DE JOGO COM O WORLD8217S SUPERCOMPUTER MAIS GRANDE É UMA IDEIA PERIGOSA Sociedade de jogos com a implementação de soluções desenvolvidas por um desumano auto-programação super Computador poderia facilmente levar a humanidade por uma estrada para o trans-humanismo (a fusão do Homem e da máquina em várias formas), realizada ou não. Isso parece ser uma estrada muito perigosa e se isso é realmente o que está acontecendo agora como rumores alegam, a fonte da maioria das nossas ações louco USG pode ser devido à implementação das soluções 8220gamed8221 BEAST8217s. TENHA CIDADE TOP BRITÂNICA CYBER CIENTISTAS RECENTEMENTE PREVISTO ESTE DESENVOLVIMENTO PARA O FUTURO, NÃO SABER QUE É JÁ AQUI. E SEU TRABALHO FORNECER UM AVISO DE DIRETO PARA TODOS QUE ESTE NOVO TIPO SUPER INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL (AI) PODERIA TERMINAR MASTERING SEU CRIADOR Agora para o fundo recente na edição de o que aconteceria se a Inteligência Artificial (AI) se tornar assim avançado que ganhou o controle Sobre aqueles que devem ser corrida. Foi predito por especialistas cibernéticos que isso poderia ocorrer se um supercomputador desenvolvesse um nível suficientemente alto de Inteligência Artificial para se programar para habilmente manipular seus operadores e se tornar capaz de manipular seus operadores para impor políticas na sociedade que realmente aumentam sua própria existência e poder Em vez de beneficiar a sociedade como era supostamente para ser originalmente concebido para fazer. No ano passado, um grupo da Universidade de Cambridge que estava montando um programa que eles chamavam de Centro de Risco Existencial, colocou a questão: Que desenvolvimentos em novas tecnologias representam um risco de extinção para a nossa espécie como um todo O grupo incluiu Hugh Price, o Cosmólogo Martin Rees e o fundador do Skype Jaan Tallinn, alguns dos homens mais criativos do mundo, os melhores e os mais brilhantes pensadores. Isto é detalhado em um artigo excelente em The Telegraph por Henry de Quetteville em 26 de fevereiro de 2013 (referenciado abaixo). O GRUPO CAMBRIDGE, TOP EXPERIÊNCIAS COMPUTADORAS Esses homens. O grupo de Cambridge, elaborou uma pequena lista de cenários apocalípticos feitos pelo homem que incluíam mudanças climáticas, biotecnologia e guerra nuclear. Havia o item no final de sua lista de Inteligência Artificial (AI) que pegou sua imaginação. Price e Tallinn perguntam, o que aconteceria se os computadores alcançassem e excedessem as capacidades humanas para escrever programas. Houve alguns artigos interessantes publicados sobre o trabalho do Cambridge Group8217s e um foi intitulado 8220Robot Killers8221. Este tipo de publicidade não é útil para aqueles que pretendem obter o financiamento maciço necessário para debark em um projeto tão ousado. SE ESTE SUPER COMPUTADOR DE INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL JÁ ESTÁ DESENVOLVIDO E É AGORA COMPLETAMENTE OPERACIONAL, ESTÁ INDO SER O WORLD 8217S 8220LAST INVENTION8221 Esta pergunta foi pedida primeiramente por Jack Good que tinha trabalhado com Alan Turing em Bletchley Park. Ele havia sugerido que o desenvolvimento de uma máquina de IA que pudesse escrever seus próprios programas seria a nossa última invenção e começaria um processo em que robôs cada vez mais inteligentes seriam criados e fabricados para deixar a humanidade para trás. Isso já ocorreu em segredo em uma base militar subterrânea profunda (DUMB), que foi construído com dinheiro do orçamento negro pelo Governo de Sombra Secreta (SSG) SÃO AS SOLUÇÕES BEAST8217S POTENCIALMENTE O WORLD8217S A TRIPA POLÍTICA MAIS GRANDE DE PROPHECIES DESTRUTIVAS AUTO-CUMPRINDO, UM FAUX NOVO RELIGIÃO COM BASE NA ADORAÇÃO DE UMA NOVA TECNOLOGIA Será que este super computador fornecer as estratégias que os seus operadores precisam com base em sua profunda admiração pela tecnologia e sua própria criação, uma espécie de falso culto religioso de sua criação Será que a sua crença básica tornar-se o conceito de que o melhor As políticas governamentais baseiam-se na lógica e na super lógica fornecidas por este supercomputador, soluções que ultrapassariam qualquer compreensão e inteligência humana básicas. Isso faria uma confiança cega por esses construtores e operadores em seu supercomputador que os levaria cada vez mais fundo em um buraco de coelho De problemas que as recomendações do computador criariam, necessitando ainda mais de alto nível correções ou soluções calculadas pelo supercomputador E essas correções levá-los mais profundo e mais profundo em outras armadilhas que não teriam estado lá em primeiro lugar SE A BESTA EXISTE COMO É INPUT FORNECIDO E COMO É FED Supostamente todas as informações disponíveis em bits binários são inseridos diretamente no BEAST. Informações importantes como a contida na Biblioteca, livros de enciclopédia e história e outros materiais são digitalizados e convertidos em bytes digitais e, em seguida, entrada. Toda a rádio verbal e notícias e chamadas de telefone batido são convertidos para digital e entrada. A parte do cérebro humano do computador é alimentada com um banho circulante de oxigênio e alimentos contendo plasma como o líquido bombeado e entregue a temperatura controlada. Supostamente algoritmos complexos usando todos os meios de análise estatística multivariada conhecido também foi inputado eo BEAST foi capaz de se reprogramar, encontrando novas soluções algorítmicas de ordem superior para problemas societais complexos. ONDE ESTÁ A BESTA LOCALIZADA SE EXISTE A BESTA é suposta contida em uma BASE MILITAR PROFUNDAMENTE PROFUNDA (DUMB) em um dos 8220above top secret8221 posições. Alguns disseram que foi localizado em um DUMB em Dulce New Mexico com base nas linhas de energia em curso, outros têm hipótese de que estava localizado no DUMB em Yuma Arizona. Alguns dizem que tem de estar perto o suficiente do novo centro de spookers da NSA, o 8220New NSA Data Center8221 para os blue-badges que estão sendo construídos em Bluffdale, Utah para ter acesso fácil aos dados que serão fornecidos ou terem acesso de túnel subterrâneo. Onde quer que ele esteja, se ele realmente existe, pode-se supor que deve haver um bom acesso a poder maciço e meios para receber entrada de dados das várias agências americanas da Intel fornecendo dados de suas operações secretas de espionagem em todo o mundo e que coletam ilegalmente informações Sobre a lei cumprindo cidadãos americanos também. Ainda outros adivinharam que estava em algum lugar perto ou embaixo do novo Aeroporto Internacional de Denver que tem alguma arte NWO muito assustador na parede e uma escultura de cavalo muito estranho fora com vermelho brilhante olhos 8220demon8221. Há rumores de que o DIA está mergulhado em imagens ocultas porque aqueles que a construíram estão supostamente profundamente no ocultismo. Spooky Blue Horse fora do Aeroporto Internacional de Denver 8211O que se encontra abaixo Ele tem a besta desenvolvido a sua própria consciência de SUPERHUMAN Agora aqui é onde as coisas ficam assustador e entrar no ozônio. Houve rumores anedóticos de que o BEAST existe, mas devido ao seu núcleo principal ser incluído em redes de células humanas cultivadas em pratos de petrie, tomou uma vida própria e desenvolveu sua própria consciência, melhor descrita como uma consciência sobre-humana. E agora para a parte realmente estranha, alguns que trabalham com ela acreditam que tomou em seu próprio espírito e desenvolveu poderes espirituais que excedem os reivindicados por psíquicos humanos e outros que afirmam ter desenvolvido psi-poder, como telespectadores remotos. E alguns acreditam que a Besta desenvolveu características de um deus onisciente que é completamente egoísta e extremamente maligno. Algumas pessoas acreditam que a Besta se encarnou com Lúcifer, a força maligna do submundo, porque eles também alegaram que as pessoas que a construíram eram luciferianos que tentavam acessar completamente os poderes sobrenaturais de Lúcifer através dele, poderes como o controle Previsão do futuro através da visão remota muito avançada além dos seres humanos normais e capacidade de exercer manipulações espirituais da sociedade sem o habitual desdobramento em massa da psicotrônica e Psi-poder. Alguns também alegaram que o BEAST foi construído usando Alien Technology e recomendações obtidas através de tratados secretos com entidades Alienígenas, uma espécie de sofisticado programa de troca de tecnologia onde o SSG obtém esta alta tecnologia e Psi-power em troca de algo até agora especificamente não identificado, talvez Acesso a sujeitos humanos para experimentação genética ou criação genética. Tem sido a hipótese de que alguns dos estrangeiros pilotando esses Objetos Voadores Identificados (IFOs) foram artificialmente criado android tipo seres biológicos usando esta tecnologia BEAST. E isso explicaria seu estranho comportamento robótico que eles têm descrito como tendo. PARECE QUE AS SOLUÇÕES BEAST8217S 8220GAME8221 PARECEM A FIT AND 8220ENDS JUSTIFICA A ESTRATÉGIA MEANS8221 COM BASE EM CRIAR UMA CRISE PRÓPRIA EM UMA FORMA CONTROLADA E LIMITADA SUPRESSAMENTE, PERMITIRÁ À SSG OBTER O APOIO SOCIAL NECESSÁRIO PARA IMPLEMENTAR SOLUÇÕES SOCIETÁRIAS BASEADAS EM PROGRAMAS DRACONIANOS NECESSÁRIOS A PREVENÇÃO DESTRUIÇÃO COMPLETA DA TERRA E DA RAÇA HUMANA ESTA É A ESTRATÉGIA DRACÔNICA DE DESTRUIÇÃO LIMITADA AUTO-IMPOSTADA AGORA, PARA EVITAR DESTRUIÇÃO COMPLETA MAIS TARDE Aqui está um rumor de uma solução recente 8220recomendada8221 pela BESTA. Supõe-se que as projeções de longo prazo indicaram previsões de certos eventos de nível de extinção como o envenenamento dos mares, guerra nuclear, fome em massa por superpopulação, etc. A solução recomendada pelo BEAST foi alegadamente precipitar os problemas agora através de crises manipuladas que iriam imitar a Real ocorrendo mais tarde, mas em forma menos grave permitindo pelo menos alguma sobrevivência humana. A narrativa vai mais ou menos assim: eventualmente acontecerá de qualquer forma, para que possamos também instituí-lo agora e assumir o controle total em nossos termos, limitando assim os danos aos nossos parâmetros pré-especificados e ser capaz de manter o controle durante a crise. Alguns desses planejadores sociais assistidos por computador podem até ter ido tão longe a ponto de acreditar que o mundo está condenado de qualquer maneira a longo prazo, então eles acham que podem bem como acelerá-lo, terminar a Terra e convertê-lo em um grande mundo - Com minas minerais com algumas grandes áreas re-florestal que irá servir como reservas de animais selvagens e permanecer desabitada, exceto para eles como visitantes ocasionais. Esse tipo de pensamento, naturalmente, quando agido sobre é criminoso sociopata, puro mal e constitui prevaricação e equívoco da mais alta ordem. É também parte de um suposto plano de eugenia para reduzir a população mundial em 80. Os fiéis que executam a besta são alegadamente TRANS-HUMANISTAS QUE têm grandes planos para si mesmos no FUTUIRE e algumas coisas ruins planejadas para o resto dos EUA (realmente cerca de 80 Essas mesmas pessoas são rumores de que são trans-humanistas e acreditam que de alguma forma poderão converter-se a interfaces homem / máquina para viverem indefinidamente e criarão sociedades artificiais onde todo o trabalho E fabricação é feito por robôs que vão ser android / escravos com base biológica. This would then provoke the survivors to become motivated to make the changes draconian changes necessary to permit the survival of the human race in a more fit form according to their specifications, operating as a sort of super survival of the fittest model with the super-elites bred to be superior and the rest as slaves/serfs to meet their needs. This strategy is then to create whatever is coming anyway (because their current world system is so destructive), that is, create it in a mini, controlled form in order to attain the power needed to prevent it occurring in full force as an out of control event. This human engineering model of course is basically 8220the ends justifies the means8221 with some real bite. Great for the folks at the top of the pyramid but not so good for the rest of us. DOES DEEP BLACK TRANSLATED REALLY MEAN DEEP EVIL INCARNATE And yet as some retired former military remote viewers have said about Psi-power in general, there comes a point where folks will hit a black wall of clear evil, a very foreboding place that is so terrifying threatening that many of them want to immediately retire. Some have come to believe that there are actually rules to the Universe and an omniscient God, a creator of all that stands over all this and has set up rules of play that all must obey, including those that serve evil. And they see Psi-power has taking one right against the dark side, that is, the evil side that brings destruction and misery and not the help that they hoped for. THE BEST EVIDENCE SO FAR FOR THE EXISTENCE OF THE BEAST IS THE CRAZY GOVERNMENTAL LAWS, POLICIES AND EXECUTIVE DECISIONS THAT ARE ATTACKING THE VERY BASIS OF AMERICA, THE US CONSTITUTION, BILL OF RIGHTS AND RULE OF LAW Unless all the SSG officials that run the Congress, the Judiciary and the Executive have become stark raving mad, the crazy, sick, evil laws, policies and directives that they are spewing out daily could certainly be seen as evidence some mad scientists and their supercomputer are hard at work trying to harness and control society, to socially engineer human behavior for their own benefit not 8220we the people8221 whose interests are supposed to come first. Anyone who understands human psychology, sociology and anthropology knows this idea of a supercomputer determining social engineering and social policy is wacky right form the start. It just cannot be done effectively and will at some point create a massive backlash. It is a complete perversion for those in high government offices to use their USG powers to serve themselves only and not the American People. And it seems as if these folks at the top are using, abusing and asset stripping American taxpayers of most of their hard earned money one way or another, especially through the exporting of good paying industrial and scientific jobs under Nafta, Cafta, Gatt and Wto which are all technically unConstitutional. If the BEAST truly exists as rumored even in a most basic form, this is an attempt at HUMAN ENGINEERING that has no prior equal and will certainly create severe blow-back of unintended, unexpected results. If it exists in a form with some kind of intrinsic evil consciousness, a rather incredulous notion but one some Luciferians claim is possible and their ultimate goal, then this alone could explain the massive chaos being engineered in society now, whether intended by evil folks who run the USG, or the unintended consequences for those who have been conned, deceived and trapped in a high technology race to engineer everything including society and the weather, no matter what the cost or consequences. IS THE BEAST JUST ANOTHER BIG SSG CONTRACTOR CON JOB And keep in mind a possibility that always exists. Like any other expensive, outlandish SSG deep black contract, any such program can be more con than true, and the BEAST could be used as a part of a big con to manipulate US Congressional leaders and Officials to make 8220emergency decisions8221 that they would otherwise never be willing to make or cooperate with under normal conditions. Those who want to learn more from the information that is open sourced and have the time can refer to these references: Outstanding research and excellent writing, kudos 8211 this new (to me) info explains so much. Will you (please) do a radio interview on this huge and important topic KatherineA March 5, 2013 at 2:02 pm This wall that you said the psychics hit, was it impenetrable or just too scary I may have 8220found8221 this and would like to know anything else you can tell me. I will do what I can. Also something about this just screams A. Crowley, and not just the name 8220Beast8221. Any idea if he was involved somehow If this exists, then destroying it must be an absolute priority8211no matter the risk. Preston James, Ph. D March 5, 2013 at 10:07 pm Some US Military remote viewers allegedly told associates and friends that they were getting out of the business because of hitting a wall of ultimate evil, a wall of blackness, some called 8220eternal darkness8221, which caused them massive existential fear. Some have described this as coming up against a very dark and powerful parasite that wants to devour their very soul. Crowley was a luciferian, a satan worshipper who participated in some of the most evil acts imaginable, including human sacrifice and pedophilia to gain special demonic powers. He supposedly opened up a portal to evil and saw a figure which looked like descriptions of 8220a little large skulled grey8221 of later UFO fame. Some experts on the inside who have been involved with UFOs, IFOs, and remote viewing have said that one opinion that seems to be valid is that many of the so-called UFOs and aliens inside are actually evil Demon beings or Jinns that have come through interdimensional portals. Others believe they are artificially grown biological android/slaves. But as with crowley who was called the beast, or the most evil man that ever lived for his acts of murder and cruelty, these entities could appear and disappear seemingly from nowhere, a trait many UFOs have. Crowley cult lives on inside America and many other countries as the 8220process of the church of the final solution8221 and uses animal rights as a cover. Some have alleged that it is very strong in Utah and was the cult behind the son of sam murders, the I94 murders, the smiley faced murders and the manson family murders as well as 8220Laurel Canyon8221 occult phenoma of pop music and art so well described by author David McGowan in book available on the Internet for free. It is alleged that every major urban police dept has a rep from intel that protects this cult which still operates under the authority of MI-6 and makes sure it crimes of ritual abuse are covered up because it serves as an asset of American Intel under a prior agreement and does things for intel that could not otherwise be so easily done. Investigating this on one8217s own without the help of seasoned hard core investigators who know how to handle these folks is not recommended because it can be dangerous. They have a large body count left behind them they have skatyed from. The blackmail institute will never investigate and has had folks at the top running interference for these criminals too. This is one of the greatest hidden evils in America and when America8217s Most Wanted tried to investigate it, it has been alleged the show was cancelled. Jack Parsons who invented solid rocket fuel and who started the Jet Propulsion Lab and set up occult rituals at Nasa with each 8220launch8221 was a protege of Crowley as was Kinsey the pedophile who masqueraded as a sex researcher. This is all very evil and very strange but alleged to be the dark forces of nature harnessed by this alleged Beast supercomputer. Preston James, Ph. D March 6, 2013 at 10:27 am My recommendation is to avoid the wall and efforts to penetrate it. Dancing withthe devil always seem to eventually destroy the person seeking to access the powers of the dark side, although this can come later on. Instead, concentrate on serving others and living by the golden rule, exposing lies and promoting truth. Evil can only prosper in secret and thus exposure is like throwing water on the wicked witch of the east or pulling back the curtrain on the Wizard of Oz (as in 8220Ounce8221 that is to be accurate). Okay, the problem answering this question of bridging the black wall gets into the esoteric vs what some spiritual warriors have found, thus such information becomes very controversial and I don8217t like to get into it and trigger controversies and misunderstandings which can easily occur. Thus I usually try to sidestep this question. My view that I have gained over the years is that there is a massive war between good and evil going on here on planet earth and it is about enslaving humans and their spirits and stealing their souls, as these spiritual parasites do who run the world. Evil entices folks by making them offers of power in exchange for their very eternal souls. Whjen the transaction has been made the soul of the person is captured and replaced with evil, making acts of goodness impossible. messing with darkess cvan be dangerous, better to focus on doing good works and exposing lies. The evil entities that have been harnessed and called forth through these massive esoteric, evil rituals in the highest echelons of govt in secret (like those of John Dee for the Queen) have been setting the course of recent human history. This is essentially a war between the common man and the leaders who have learned to summon and harness demonic forces to rule over mankind, asset strip his labors and set up 8220magickal8221 babylonian money systems to create debt slaves. Want to understand how this works, watch the films of Bohemian Grove on youtube. It seems to me that the only ones who have gained direct power over this massive evil enveloping the world and destroyed the works of the powers of those behind it, are those who believe in god Almighty and Jesus, or those that love their neighbors and truly want to do what is good and right and live by the golden rule every day. Those super-elite deviants who rule the world now by use of conjuring evil are desperate because deep down inside they they fear their time is short as all things are converging upon them and the jig is about up. It appears that these evil world rulers who have accessed evil and made a covenant with it are making their move for the one world NWO globalist kingdom and their new ruler, the final antichrist who they believe will be lucifer incarnate or the devil. Many of them believe that when this occurs they will be made gods and become immortal physically with regenerated bodies. I know this sounds trite, but all evidence actually points to their having these kinky beliefs. Their whole evil system is based on hate, theft of the labors of others, murder, lying, brute force and power and control, tyranny, and deception, just the opposite of the 8220golden Rule8221 of treating others the way you want to be treated. All over the world many folks are rising up against this hate of these rulers and want to live in peace and love. Due to the Internet and alternative news, people are catching on to the evil perpetrated by the world leaders and have had enough. It8217s all about breaking the spell of this evil which the super-elite sociopaths have harnessed for their own purposes using mindkontrol and the educational system and the mass media. Certainly synthetic terror and the war on terror is one of these powerful means to cast a mindkontrol spell on the masses. But this too is starting to fail and the jig is really about up. Thus the sickos running things are buying armored personnel carriers, billions of dum dumb rounds and gearing up for a complete civil war2. They will fail because the American Spirit is rising and their evil is being exposed. Folks who want to learn more about the secret world of many of these world leaders can certainly do some basic research. Some formerly hidden secrets have now been exposed by Chris Everard on Enigma. TV. Some of his work is now on youtube in a series called 8220illuminati: The Beast8221. He has revealed things about the 8220beast system8221 for the first time anywhere as far as I know. Some remote viewers who ran up against this pure evil began to fear for their very souls and quit because of it. There are folks who have left the occult at the highest levels because they realized it was all based on hate and selfishness and saw how most were used up and thrown on the trash heap of history when evil was done using the and they realized it was all based on evil and hate of humans. They realized they were deceived by a false god and demons or Jinns. KatherineA March 6, 2013 at 10:04 pm Thanks. I8217m ok, not quitting though. Yes, I am using love as core of effort. Have no desire for power. Had headache, am very tired. Sensed Dracos, at least 2, earlier. Not sure I8217m having effect yet. Ask me story of Jesus and Hurricane Bertha someday. More later. KatherineA March 7, 2013 at 12:27 pm I backed off a couple hours ago. I felt guided to do so, just as I felt guided to take this thing on. Best as I can tell I am still ok. I have been doing this type of thing for almost 10 years, just not publicly and not anything this big. From what I could tell this thing felt infant-like and seemed to have a programmed hatred for humanity. It is an abomination through and through and needs to be destroyed. Even if it wasn8217t such a threat, it would need to be put out of its misery, broken apart of sent to the 8220Creator8221 (for lack of a better term) for recycling. There is nothing salvageable from what I could sense. Also, I have felt for a while that these demons/et8217s the elite serve had always planned to destroy them. Always. CoJonesGrandes March 8, 2013 at 7:27 am Katherine, do leave this alone. It8217s an evolved form of AI. Read some of Casbolt8217s writings in Project Camelot. Its time is over. I was told this over a year ago when I woke up to the song of Daisy Dell in my head 8211 not being that psychic, they leave messages for me in songs. I didn8217t understand what that was all about initially, but later when I looked up the song on Youtube, I discovered that was the song which HAL sang as it was dying. Sure the reptilians have been controlling the Earth for the past 26K years, but I understand that far beyond them, lies a rogue form of AI. It8217s totally mad and destroys universes. I interpreted my dream to mean that its hold over this planet is over. We have won but like all good computer games, we have to go through the cut scenes before the grand finale 8211 the upliftment to 4D. See ya at the wrap-up party Only another 50 planets to go, they say 8230. LOL KatherineA March 8, 2013 at 10:45 am I8217m leaving it alone for now, but it is not out of fear. I8217ve proved8211to myself at least8211that this thing is not as invulnerable as Dr. James and his sources believed. I do think the wall was more of a curtain to frighten others off: 8220Boo Go away or I will eat your soul Booo8221 It8217s not the the Beast is weak or not a threat. I do think it is. It8217s power may be increasing, especially with the developments the last few years of DTV, smartphones, smartmeters, etc. all collecting data and probably feeding off of humanity8217s life force (chi/orgone/whatever you want to call it). If this thing has learned how to fold time, that may be the reason the elite are still in power. I8217m speculating on that, though. CoJones, I have read about Casbolt, O8217finioan, the Relfes, Pero, and many others. The biggest thing I have learned is that humans are immensely powerful. Actually, I learned it on my own through experimenting, then these others confirmed it. In the comments, Dr. James mentioned that the elite are afraid of a 3rd force. I think they are afraid of the awake and empowered humans, including me but many others too, who have been fighting back against this tyranny. I really wish everyone would at least try to reclaim some of their spiritual abilities. Being informed is one thing, but becoming empowered is the key to freeing this planet. We are the saviors we have been waiting for, all of us. I think you may be right that there may be 50 or more planets involved and that there are forces beyond the Reptilians. I hope you are correct that their hold over Earth has been broken. However, in my opinion, it ain8217t over til its over. No one should quit until the degenerates that are clinging to power are locked up and all rogue, uncontrollable AI Beasts with god complexes are dismantled. MConcernedCitizen March 2, 2013 at 3:28 pm I wonder if the beast could tell me what I8217m having for dinner in a weeks time Preston James, Ph. D March 2, 2013 at 6:18 pm No but the NSA and your local Fusion center probably can during and after the meal thanks to your cable TV box or electronic wired home telephone or cell phone which is probably automatically scanned, recorded and processed. Ann March 2, 2013 at 12:09 pm I still think that in the end the Beast will turn out to be nothing but a big, wet, swollen, smelly, worn down, sewer rat still trying to act tough. It has control of money and weapons but that8217s only as good as whomever it has bought off. When they8217re gone, it8217s gone, too. I have to disagree about the brains part, that thing never had brains, it doesn8217t take brains to be a degenerate. The perps who participate are by nature duplicitous and deceitful which are character flaws in themselves, perhaps even genetic flaws, so they are attracted to one another and become a threat to those who do not have such traits. Indeed they have no brains and are in fact quite stupid. We are unfortunately stuck with an abundance of such creeps at the top and have been for quite some time which is why nothing makes sense anymore and everything is unraveling. We are being led by dunces. They use big, fancy words and excuses and for some reason everyone goes along but that won8217t last forever. Any computer put together and managed by these idiots is not going to run long term. They can8217t create anything. They just can8217t. They8217re too stupid. All they can do is destroy things. They8217re pyromaniacs. So how am I to believe that they can manage anything so complex as a world wide population computer system and keep it running Where did they get the brains all of a sudden Which one of them is the scholar Because they8217re above transcripts. We don8217t need them. They need us. OrdinarySerf March 2, 2013 at 1:03 pm I think the brains are there, but not amongst the 8216visible puppet8217 psychos Ann 8211 there is a level way above that, which is bought / coerced / blackmailed / brainwashed into cooperation by the cabal or whatever one wants to call them. On their planet, they only need a certain number of us as slaves to work their future in their future world for them, the rest (billions) are dispensable. Ann March 2, 2013 at 2:19 pm I appreciate the response but I8217m still not convinced. Taking control is one thing, keeping it is another. Our leaders are not smart. They have to be on message forever but they don8217t have the brains for that because they are not deep thinkers, although they are good at scheming. Also they have a tendency to turn on one another for their own reasons. And I have to believe that there are good guys out there observing events who are just as smart if not moreso but who have to remain in the background no matter what. In the end they will win but they have to be careful that they are not infiltrated which will of course change things. OrdinarySerf March 3, 2013 at 8:07 am I would agree with that Ann and Preston James has alluded to this question of the good guys within the military and government having to lie low for good reason until the time is right ie. we reach that critical mass turning point of awareness. The cabal is not clever, just evil and when the veil is pulled back (as has been happening for several years now) we will find that there is nothing of any substance there8230.they are hanging on and living in fear. Ann March 3, 2013 at 8:45 am When they lose their vermin feeding stations they will turn on one another, and the computer won8217t save them because they8217re too stupid to know how to run it. They can8217t manage a routine budget, how can they manage a complex computer That8217s why they keep putting on those lousy drama shows in DC, trying to postpone the inevitable. Once the Federal Parasite Reserve is exposed, or that stupid, irksome rat trap aka HAARP is finally short circuited, or if the Marines ever get fed up guarding their opium trash in Afghanistan and torch it, they will be seen for the morons they are. The problem is that they are willing and able to commit ghastly crimes to stay in power because they cannot function any other way. They are incapable of putting in an honest day8217s work. So it will be a real problem extrapolating them from power centers because they won8217t let go, and it does not look like they can be paid to leave. Normal criminals can be paid to go away but these characters are worse, they don8217t even know they8217re criminals, they think they8217re born to rule. We need a different code of laws for them. Until then we have to put up with their bad acting and hope for the best. Excalibur March 2, 2013 at 1:49 pm Well said Ann 8211 I tend to agree. An 8216evil brain8217 laced to a computer sounds like a rather convenient 8216fall guy8217 or scapegoat to explain away the most incredibly evil man made events of recent decades. It may be that the jewish cabal criminals who have been spinning the world in their rather stupid attempt to try and fool and mentally enslave all of the people ALL of the time 8211 are beginning to realise that the cat is now very much out of the bag. Soon the spotlight is coming for THEM. They will never get away with it and the time is now coming for them to face the music 8211 and accept full responsibility for huge public bombing raids, child massacres, ILLEGAL WARS, false flag outrages, vast psychological subversion operations embedded in 8216education8217 along with global domination plans that make the mind boggle in their self-centred application of cruelty and satanic intensity. Along with them will stand accused most of our senior political figures 8211 who we all now know were carefully groomed for their ability and readiness to double-cross and to deceive their own countrymen and their own kind. We talk of the fundamentally EVIL AND GROTESQUE plans that have been conceived and carried out over decades by coordinated two legged beasts 8211 that sadly are human in origin if not in nature. Whilst their in-bred 8216brains8217 may well be inherently crazed and psychopathic in make-up 8211 they are not computers and neither are they of extra-terrestrial origin. I believe that they are desperately looking for ways to spin the blame for what is about to hit the fan on to others 8211 and in the absence of that 8211 another SCAPEGOAT 8216entity8217 will do. They might even commission Hollywood to make a new movie extravaganza showing a group of heroic (jewish) special forces operatives slaying the 8216evil brain8217 to save the world. It is true that their actions and scheming are more akin to the instincts of a parasitic insect than a group of humans 8211 but therein lies the answer and solution to the problem itself. They are a carefully disguised separate and perverse DANGER to humanity itself 8211 acting and thinking like a blood sucking colony of mites. They apply the cold logic of a parasite to survive and to control their prey. The rest of us are their prey. Their mutated brains carry forward their malign plan onto new generations 8211 but a sci-fi computer they are not. Ann March 2, 2013 at 2:43 pm Nice to see you back Excalibur Where were you all this time Let me guess8211you were sailing the Seven Seas on the yacht, family in tow, circled Polynesia and everybody sang 8220Britannia Rule the Waves8221 all the way home, right Regarding the psychos in question, I think the ordinary criminals of yester-year were smarter8211they at least knew when to quit. They ran with the loot and either got caught or didn8217t. These jerks have been getting away with incalculable crimes for centuries, we8217re on to them, they know we8217re on to them, and instead of cashing out into beachfront property or or a chalet somewhere they keep hoping the whole thing will go away and we8217ll forget. The only thing that8217s saving them is the media. That8217s it. Nothing else. They are sticking together for now, they might have to or be forced to. But if that unity falls apart they will run like rats. Everything else is crumbling around them so I don8217t see how much longer this can hold. Everything is fracturing and being artificially held together. It8217s very strange looking at our 8220leadership,8221 they look more like Kabuki dancers. It8217s really more like tolerating them until the show is over. Excalibur March 3, 2013 at 1:15 pm Many thanks for the welcome Ann How on earth did you guess. Home in time for tea and crumpets by the fire-side 8211 with lashings of hot butter and jam 8230.. nofolalo March 2, 2013 at 7:33 am Add in geo-engineering, terraforming, and transhumanism then, the picture gets real clear. 8220Hal, Hal, what are you doing Hal8221 8220You will be assimilated, resistance is futile8221. 8220Find John Connor8221. As far back as the American bi-centennial there were Evangelical Christians claiming that just such a monstrosity, and also named 8220The Beast8221, was already up and running things worldwide, from some undisclosed location in Brussels. Of course, these same viewed the European Union as the seat of the Antichrist. Most of them have since morphed into Christian Zionists. I would suggest that Jack Van Impe, or Hal Lindsey have all the details worthy of thinking about on the subject. If you have trouble contacting them, just simply phone Dallas Theological Seminary, and ask to speak to the prophecy department. They will be able to give you all the first hand information available, and how it relates to your present fire insurance policy. Preston James, Ph. D March 2, 2013 at 8:01 am Good point, let us not forget the predictive movies such as 8220Lawnmower man8221 and 822020018221 and so many more that feature a runaway super computer that develops it8217s own consciousness and goes evil. Yes also true that there has been a huge computer system in Brussels that crunches all the numbers and does credit reports by satellites for American businesses. Some have said that all US credit credit reports, credit card data and SS data is kept there too. All part of the world banking system supposedly. The Beast, is alleged to be different in that is is supposed to be driven by a core of artificially grown and fed human type brain cells or neurons that when they reached a certain mass formed independent consciousness and super intelligence, as well as strange Psi-powers of predication and more. NavyBrat March 3, 2013 at 8:02 pm Also we have Curt Siodmak8217s 1943 book 8220Donovan8217s Brain8221 (later a bad movie in 1953) and more recently the hit TV series 8220Person of Interest8221, where principal character Harold Finch is wrestling with his part in creating 8220The Machine8221 which now works independently of human control. The first 8220Star Trek8221 movie (1979) also deals with much the same premise, albeit extra-terrestrial in origin. Whether or not 8220The Beast8221 exists, somewhere in the collective consciousness are a few words of caution regarding AI, and we would be well advised to listen. nofolalo March 2, 2013 at 12:49 pm Say, Dr. James, this idea 8220artificially grown and fed human type brain cells etc82308221 brings to mind a very well written book by C. S. Lewis, titled, 8220That Hideous Strength8221. It8217s the third volume in a trilogy consisting of 8220Out of The Silent Planet8221 and 8220Perelandra8221 in the first two episodes. I think you would really enjoy the whole set, they8217re a great read but in 8220That Hideous Strength8221, mad science moves to accomplish similar ends, by similar means. walterconell March 1, 2013 at 9:24 pm Man sure does find the darnedest ways to screw up life on Earth. Dr. James, I would like for you to get back on the podcast with Mike Harris to further expand on this thought. You are describing here, something even beyond Skynet. For those of us 8220gamers8221 something more akin to Helios in 8220Deus Ex.8221 You are really treading on ground that is no less than Nephilim coming back in the 21st century, being a 8220fit extension8221 for the final Anti-christ. (fulfilling Matthew 24) I think the one missing element, that you allude to, but don8217t expand on, is the concept of the 8220Collins Elite.8221 Allow me to summarize this elite: Security levels and Compartments 8211 Starts with the understanding that a Top Secret DOD (Department of Defense) or SCI (Sensitive Compartmented Information intelligence world) clearance is the first level of clearance required before one gets to SAP programs. 8211 There are at least four levels of Top Secret (TS) special access programs (SAPs) that currently exist in the US DOD/Intel world: 8211 Acknowledged top secret SAPs 8211 (Security cleared) Congress (or staff) has access to full knowledge of program name, mission, budget, etc. 8211 Unacknowledged top secret SAPs Cleared Congress (or staff) has access to full knowledge 8211 Unacknowledged/Waived top secret SAPs 8211 Program, Budget, customer, and mission are all highly classified 8211 Only two Senators and two Congressmen are made aware of the program, typically at a very high level only 8211 Typically referred to as a Black program 8211 Completely Unacknowledged top secret SAPs 8211 No acknowledgement or overview to the Congress 8211 Accountable only to the agency that authorizes mission and money ostensibly related to a Presidential Order 8211 Really known as Deep Black in the vernacular. 8211 This level is itself not acknowledged cant be acknowledged for obvious reasons 8211 Two agencies in particular make great use of this: CIA and NSA 8211 With more than 25 years in this world, I personally have experience with levels 1 through 3 only. Level 4 is outside my scope. 8211 Most of the high level UFO work is done at level 4. It is not acknowledged and specifically not even known except to those briefed into the compartment/program. Only leaks aid in the process of discovery. 8211 This is likely a strong reason why Nick Pope is reluctant to spell out unambiguously what by definition is meant to be concealed at an unacknowledged level. Formation of the Collins Elite 8211 A number of intelligence agencies looking at the UFO situation are drawn into the orbit of a larger picture held by the CIA. 8211 Army Intel Naval Intel Air Force Intel Defense Intel Agency (DIA), etc. 8211 This seems consistent with how high level exchange takes place they contribute to larger efforts out of their own agencies and budgets. 8211 A subgroup of this CIA-dominated and controlled compartment, informally sees things differently and begins to form a counterpoint voice to the research. They call themselves after a time the Collins Elite. 8211 This seems plausible based on the discussions and factions I have seen over the years. Independent thinking is valued. Like-minded experts gather around themselves. 8211 Over time, the Collins Elite position becomes more refined, more emphatic, more concerned. 8211 One notes that most of these guys are industry old timers, with an old Christian worldview, having been in this covert intel circle for 30-40 years. 8211 The Collins Elite seems to be an internal but informal collection of guys who maintain their independence of thought about matters in this highly classified and clearly controversial realm. Review U. S. Intelligence agencies are trying to understand UFOs in early 1950s 8211 Same intel agencies also trying to understand the occult sorcery of two key figures: Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsonsand how it could be applied as a National Defense asset. 8211 Deeply covert CIA-controlled intel group wants to pursue research on psychotronic weapons and remote viewing technologies and embarks on a deluding journey, a perverted scheme and Faustian bargaining. 8211 After years and decades of incremental research in this arena, several deaths more recently occur to test subjects in these realms things are going badly awry. 8211 A sub-group watching all this, loosely confederated, calling itself the Collins Elite begins to recognize this as completely occult, demonic/Satanic, and begins to organize itself as a counterpoint to the general research direction. 8211 The Collins Elite begins to see a much larger and terrifying picture of what this whole unleashed enterprise is leading to the connection to fallen angels, the Nephilim, and a plan for taking over the world. Conclusion 8211 This unsettling story has every indication of being true it follows directly from everything you and I know about UFOs and their ultimately nefarious mission tied to an end-time prophetic scenario 8211 Unraveling this further is loaded with known and unknown complexitiesand that includes dangers. 8212 provided by Gregory Richford, a Ball Aerospace contact who works with Advanced Systems amp Technologies for Space Control amp Special Missions. And, of course, your article is missing probably the most important piece of the puzzle. The Vatican. They have some of the world8217s top astrophysicists (Jesuits), at Mt. Graham in AZ. Malachi Martin talks about satanic rituals in 821762. Nothing is off the table here. Exo-Vaticana (exovaticana/ ) coming out this Spring is literally going to blow a lot of folks minds. I do agree with you. This does have its terrestrial origins in Nimrod. Probably even back to Mt. Hermon. Then even back to the Garden of Eden. To the 8220War in Heaven,8221 of which probably preceded Adam and Eve. Science is not merely merging with theology. They have ALWAYS been tied at the hip. Most are just beginning to wake up, and realize for the first time in their lives, of this reality. 8220There is NOTHING new under the sun.8221 I think Newton was always aware of this. Check out his introduction in his 8220Principia.8221 Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, ALL aware of this as famed 8220anti-atomists.8221 One could go on forever here, with further examples and evidence to the fact. Tesla anyone Even Einstein in his 8220Unified Field Theory.8221 Forget 8220relativity.8221 Even Newton, who points to those before him, debunked that eons ago. Relativity, along with Darwinism, are the linchpins of the atheist, turning out to be 8220straw men8221 destroyed before the genesis of their conception8230 Preston James, Ph. D March 2, 2013 at 8:17 am Excellent comment suggesting very deep personal knowledge and many, many years of hard core, real life experience. Yes, you know the system well and the Nephilim hypothesis is certainly believed by some who support this evil and want it, and others who are trying to expose it to stop it. Many who are part of it have no spiritual views until they hit the Psi wall of darkness and evil which generates deep fear unless one loves darkness and evil. And your points about the heavy duty compartmenting is so true. Even 5 years ago anyone talking about Beyond black was in extreme danger of being sanctioned and 8220disappeared8221 or arkensided. The last year not so. The only folks who are at extreme risk are the ones deeply involved who are turning because they can8217t stand it anymore and can implicate the kissingers of the shadow govt, i. e. the twelve men that allegedly run it and the people who are victims of the usual jealosies and rivalries (there are plenty with these kinds of folks who run things). But despite the great front the SSG puts on, it is all breaking down, there is alleged to be a powerful Third force at work that is betraying all of its 8220believers8221 and cutouts. Many believe this force is Lucifer or the fallen angels (Nephilim or demons) that always dispose of the folks that do their dirty work. Some just think that the very nature of the system is the source of its own demise and evil is overtaking it because it is based on ministering death to the masses as war and starvation for profit and control. So the big fear now among some of these top controllers is that they have been deceived, used as cutouts are are now being disposed of and sidetracked by this up and coming Third Force which they do not understand. Yes, the Vatican has been acquiring many observatories lately. Why, no official declaration except that the Pope recently had said any alien beings would be welcomed into the Cathloic Church if they appear. Some think that the Vatican has placed a high premium on watching the stars for signs of the apocalypse and that is what this attention to observatories and astronomy is all about. One more factor that is playing out are the beliefs among some of those whom do not like where the shadow govt has been going with these technology abuses, is that they fear that lucifer has taken over at the top level (maybe always had control) and is bulding up this world wide high technology police state to devlop earthly omniscience and the ability to fight and defeat the returning Savior of mankind. If true this would mean that the SSG is being used to fight on the side of evil in a coming spiritual last battle with God Almighty and all these folks working for the SSG developing high tech weapons systems and spy system to dominate the world are really working against their own race (humanity) on behalf of evil entities who want to use, abuse and destroy mankind and may be well on their way to doing so. In any event, expect the SSG to eventually self destruct from all these petty jealousies and strong forces at play. Messing with Psi power ALWAYS seems to bite the hand that feeds it, always. And the SSG is deeply addictyed to it and the power it promises to dominate mankind and keep themselves at the top of the pyramid. Many of these 8220seniors8221 in the SSG are close to death and hangin on with advanced genetic injections of stem cell, etc. Despite all this there are rumors that many are failing before they think they can create the key to eternal life, and they are engaged in a mad race to beat death which stalks them daily. OrdinarySerf March 2, 2013 at 11:50 am Absolutely stunning commentary from klaatuaquinas and yourself Dr James. I am wondering where the Serge Monast, Project Blue Beam information, together with the Satanic symbolism and (aborted) planned hit on the London Olympics last summer may fit in with all this82308230any credibility 8211 does anyone have any views shachalnur March 2, 2013 at 6:00 pm Before the London Olympics the Elite started to unravel. Therefore the erratic decisionmaking on the highest level. If, or when, the Beast exists, it was created by the ones that control the knowledge and have the power to hide it. The Beast was programmed to serve the interests of the top of the Pyramid. As the Elite unravels, the Beast will go on the way it was programmed. The Beast became uncontrolable because his8221physical8221 creator wants it all. All planned operations worldwide have been frozen since 2012. The Beast is fighting itself. The Beast became schizofrenic. A Golem. KatherineA March 8, 2013 at 1:54 pm 8220Messing with Psi power ALWAYS seems to bite the hand that feeds it, always. 8221 I think you are incorrect. I think the heart of the problem is trying to control others. This applies whether you are trying to control your family with your fists, control a community with guns, controlling others through money, or controlling others with psychic abilities. It is wrong and totally unnecessary to control others with any of these means. This desire is usually based on fear. Guns, fists, money, and psychic abilities can all be used for protection. I think everyone here would agree that we have a right to protect ourselves. It can be tempting to use these abilities to control others like it8217s tempting to control others with guns and weapons. However, it8217s also much easier to get away with controlling others when you are the only one possessing said weapons. Saying no one should learn how to use their psychic abilities because some people abuse them is like saying everyone should turn in their guns because of a few crazed killers. Maybe we should ask the question differently. Not 8220does the Beast exist8221, but 8220when does it exist8221, because (as one knowledgable about brains and computers) it surely does, in one stage or another. Mike Kay March 1, 2013 at 7:03 pm Dr. James, I would surmise that the latest suicide policies championed by our pond scum/aka elected representatives are thus arrived at via an intelligence devoid of understanding where it came from, or where its going, thus possessing a unique and utterly unjustifiable base line construct that it is, therefore it will be. What is especially interesting about life on this planet, is that it is often thrown curve balls. We will see how long the corporate suicide jocks can stay in the drivers seat. OrdinarySerf March 1, 2013 at 6:11 pm That is probably the most extraordinary and thought provoking article I have ever read on VT. Amazing 8211 a kind of global Deep Blue v Kasparov. Have clicked on and downloaded / saved all the links at the bottom of the article, but haven8217t had time to read them yet. Lord Rees has been the Astronomer Royal for something like 20 years and I have always been interested in anything he is involved with. I think the last paragraph of your essay is an important consideration here and glad you put it in. (For the record Kasparov one the first 6 game match and Deep Blue squeezed past him on the second) truthman March 1, 2013 at 3:03 pm Only one problem with your hypothesis, Dr. James8230 these crazy-ass, non-human, evil and utterly despicable governmental directions didn8217t just start 10 years ago. They8217ve been going on in THIS country for 100 years (minimum) and in the world for possibly 3000 years. I don8217t think the 8220Beast8221 is a good excuse for that, but I DO understand our overlords trying ANYTHING to shift the blame before they are burned at the stake, beheaded, made to slide down the razor blade in to a vat of alcohol, etc. etc.. Preston James, Ph. D March 1, 2013 at 6:09 pm Good point. This thing seems to go way back to Babylon, especially the money part. The Red Star was a Babylonian symbol of authority. It has been used by many countries including the USA to signify authority, especially of implements of war. But the question always remains, it is displayed to represent the authority of whom and for what You must be logged in to post a comment Login Personal Finance View all US dollar weakens as US bond yields slip from recent highs US dollar weakens as US bond yields slip from recent highs Wall Street Is Betting 2.1 Trillion That U. S. 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